Por lo tanto, las primeras palabras que quiero dirigir a cada joven cristiano son: ¡Él vive y te quiere vivo!". Friends are so sensitive to this that they can already imagine the smile on their friend’s face when he or she opens that gift. I like to think that “two Christians who marry have recognized the call of the Lord in their own love story, the vocation to form one flesh and one life from two, male and female. Along these lines, the Synod sought to renew the Church’s commitment “against all discrimination and violence on sexual grounds”. Dear young friends, do not let them exploit your youth to promote a shallow life that confuses beauty with appearances. Latest: Thứ Tư trước lễ Hiển Linh ; TGP Sài Gòn: Thánh lễ truyền chức Giám mục Giuse Bùi Công Trác ngày 3-1-2023 ; He changes the way we see life. [74], 139. No matter how much you live the experience of these years of your youth, you will never know their deepest and fullest meaning unless you encounter each day your best friend, the friend who is Jesus. When we need him, he makes himself known to us (cf. I ask you also to be protagonists of this transformation. I want to state clearly that young people themselves are agents of youth ministry. Because in the end I came to see That we do not really enjoy what we enjoyed Unless we have suffered for it. Acts 1:14). While drawn towards the future and its promise, young people also have a powerful desire to experience the present moment, to make the most of the opportunities life offers. 250. The love of the Lord has to do more with raising up than knocking down, with reconciling than forbidding, with offering new changes than condemning, with the future than the past”.[64]. So I ask each one of you: do you see yourselves as the bearers of a promise? In this chapter, I have taken time to look at the reality of young people in today’s world. Something similar happened to the prophet Jeremiah, called despite his youth to rouse his people. “Fear of the definitive thus generates a kind of paralysis of decision-making. Just as you try not to lose your connection to the internet, make sure that you stay connected to the Lord. Some Catholic schools seem to be structured only for the sake of self-preservation. It tries to avoid imposing obstacles, rules, controls and obligatory structures on these young believers who are natural leaders in their neighbourhoods and in other settings. I ask young people to let themselves be inspired by this vast majority. When the Lord awakens a vocation, he thinks not only of what you already are, but of what you will one day be, in his company and in that of others. Please, do not let yourselves be bought. There is beauty in the wife, slightly dishevelled and no longer young, who continues to care for her sick husband despite her own failing health. [40], 88. [43] Document of the Pre-Synodal Meeting in Preparation for the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Rome (24 March 2018), I, 4. [122] Address to a Delegation of the International Special Olympics (16 February 2017): L’Osservatore Romano, 17 February 2017, 8. How, then, will she be able to respond to the dreams of young people? 278. 16:6-7). Rather than listening to young people attentively, “all too often, there is a tendency to provide prepackaged answers and ready-made solutions, without allowing their real questions to emerge and facing the challenges they pose”. The worst thing we can do is adopt that worldly spirit whose solution is simply to anaesthetize young people with other messages, with other distractions, with trivial pursuits. As a result, Carlo said, “everyone is born as an original, but many people end up dying as photocopies”. O Santo Padre fala das exigências da fé que os jovens precisam saber: Deus ama você: isso explica o valor, importância . AUX JEUNES ET À TOUT LE PEUPLE DE DIEU . 147. Young men and women speak of work as fulfilling a function and providing meaning. 255. He went away sorrowful, despite his original good intentions, because he could not turn his back on his many possessions (cf. Let us not forget the difficult situation of adolescents and young people who become pregnant, the scourge of abortion, the spread of HIV, various forms of addiction (drugs, gambling, pornography and so forth), and the plight of street children without homes, families or economic resources”. Many young people, whether by force or lack of alternatives, live by committing crimes and acts of violence: child soldiers, armed criminal gangs, drug trafficking, terrorism, and so on. Homily at Mass, XXXIV World Youth Day in Panama (27 January 2018): L’Osservatore Romano, 28-29 January 2019, 12. Young people today are the first to have to effect this synthesis between what is personal, what is distinctive to their respective cultures, and what is global. 188. [149] Hence, “together with the awe-filled contemplation of creation which we find in Saint Francis of Assisi, the Christian spiritual tradition has also developed a rich and balanced understanding of the meaning of work, as, for example, in the life of Blessed Charles de Foucauld and his followers”. Mary’s mission would undoubtedly be difficult, but the challenges that lay ahead were no reason to say ‘no’. [1] In explaining what it means to put on that youthfulness “which is being renewed” (v. 10), he mentions “compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving each other if anyone has a complaint against another” (Col 3:12-13). In the silence of their heart, they have a store of experiences that can teach us not to make mistakes or be taken in by false promises. [164] Prayer Vigil with Young Italians at the Circus Maximus in Rome (11 August 2018): L’Osservatore Romano, 13-14 August 2018, 6. Putting all else aside, I now wish to speak to young people about what is essential, the one thing we should never keep quiet about. You are important to him, for you are the work of his hands. Beauty is associated with a youthful appearance, cosmetic treatments that hide the traces of time. He simply asks that we not abandon him: “Abide in me” (Jn 15:4). The young make us see the need for new styles and new strategies. They say that it is not worth making a lifelong commitment, making a definitive decision… I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility, incapable of true love”. [139] It follows that every form of pastoral activity, formation and spirituality should be seen in the light of our Christian vocation. The Church and her pastors are not exempt from this phenomenon”.[42]. Faith in Jesus leads to greater hope, to a certainty based not on our qualities and skills, but on the word of God, on the invitation that comes from him. Homélie de la solennité de l'Épiphanie du Seigneur année liturgique A! The young people who met before the Synod called for “programmes for the formation and continued development of young leaders. [68] Address at the Meeting with Young People during the Synod (6 October 2018): L’Osservatore Romano, 8-9 October 2018, 7. In this way, the Church makes a fundamental contribution to the integral education of the young in various parts of the world”. Young people are not meant to become discouraged; they are meant to dream great things, to seek vast horizons, to aim higher, to take on the world, to accept challenges and to offer the best of themselves to the building of something better. [146] I have great confidence in you, and for this very reason, I urge you to opt for marriage. Faithful friends, who stand at our side in times of difficulty, are also a reflection of the Lord’s love, his gentle and consoling presence in our lives. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba; nos comparte sus comentarios del Capítulo 3, Número 98, Exhortación Apostólica Christus Vivit del Papa Francisco. They are “a public square where the young spend much of their time and meet one another easily, even though not all have equal access to it, particularly in some regions of the world. [36] Cf. [137] Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, 11. Nor does one have to accept fully all the teachings of the Church to take part in certain of our activities for young people. Popular piety “is a legitimate way of living the faith”[130] and “an expression of the spontaneous missionary activity of the People of God”.[131]. It is unhelpful to buy into the cult of youth or foolishly to dismiss others simply because they are older or from another generation. Young people make decisions in professional, social and political fields, and in other more radical ways that determine the shape of their lives”. They forget that the lay vocation is directed above all to charity within the family and to social and political charity. Let us also keep in mind that Jesus had no use for adults who looked down on the young or lorded it over them. DU SAINT-PÈRE FRANÇOIS. This missionary vocation thus has to do with service. Keep following your hopes and dreams. TO YOUNG PEOPLE AND TO THE ENTIRE PEOPLE OF GOD. The Gospel also asks us to be daring, and we want to be so, without presumption and without proselytizing, testifying to the love of the Lord and stretching out our hands to all the young people in the world”.[128]. Don’t confuse happiness with an armchair, or live your life behind a screen. Subrayando que Jesús cuando realizó su predicación y su misión, tenia la edad de alrededor treinta años. No Antigo Testamento [6-11] No Novo Testamento [12-21] Capítulo II JESUS CRISTO SEMPRE JOVEM. 30. The proliferation of fake news is the expression of a culture that has lost its sense of truth and bends the facts to suit particular interests. [160] ROMANO GUARDINI, Die Lebensalter. To create a home is to let prophecy take flesh and make our hours and days less cold, less indifferent and anonymous. As a great poet put it: “If to regain what I regained, I first had to lose what I lost; If to achieve what I achieved, I had to endure what I endured; If to be in love now First I had to be hurt, I consider what I suffered well suffered, I consider what I wept for as well wept for. [82], 157. 122. But the only follow-up to this is a series of “formation” meetings featuring talks about doctrinal and moral issues, the evils of today’s world, the Church, her social doctrine, chastity, marriage, birth control and so on. [153], 280. The fresh and exuberant lives of young people who want to affirm their personality today confront a new challenge: that of interacting with a real and virtual world that they enter alone, as if setting foot on an undiscovered global continent. SUPPORT CHRISTUS VIVIT CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP 2023. It is worth your every effort to invest in the family; there you will find the best incentives to mature and the greatest joys to experience and share. Assim começa a Exortação Apostólica pós-sinodal "Christus vivit" ( Texto integral) de Francisco, assinada segunda-feira, 25 de março, na Santa Casa de Loreto, e dirigida « aos jovens e a todo o povo de Deus ». 79. We weep when we think of all those young people who have already lost their lives due to poverty and violence, and we ask society to learn to be a caring mother. We can do any number of things against him, yet he loves us and he saves us. 1 Sam 9:2). Some other aspects will be dealt with in the following chapters. This has nothing to do with inventing ourselves or creating ourselves out of nothing. The way they were instructed in religious and moral values did not prepare them to uphold those values in a world that holds them up to ridicule, nor did they learn ways of praying and practicing the faith that can be easily sustained amid the fast pace of today’s society. Perhaps some will find it praiseworthy that we seem so expert in discerning difficulties and dangers. Tout ce qu'il touche devient jeune, devient nouveau, se remplit de vie. Young people frequently fail to find in our usual programmes a response to their concerns, their needs, their problems and issues. Jn 6:4-13). She is the great guardian of hope… From her, we learn how to say ‘yes’ to the stubborn endurance and creativity of those who, undaunted, are ever ready to start over again”.[19]. The Bible never ceases to insist that profound respect be shown to the elderly, since they have a wealth of experience; they have known success and failure, life’s joys and afflictions, its dreams and disappointments. [152] Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (19 March 2018), 167. 28. Between these two accounts, we find another, which shows Jesus as an adolescent, when he had returned with his parents to Nazareth, after being lost and found in the Temple (cf. When we listen to others in this way, at a certain moment we ourselves have to disappear in order to let the other person follow the path he or she has discovered. Nor even by asking what kind of work would be most pleasing to us. Although we have to respect different stages of growth, and at times need to wait patiently for the right moment, we cannot fail to invite young people to drink from these wellsprings of new life. Young people are no longer children. To be able to generate a “popular” ministry to youth, “they need to learn to listen to the sense of the people, to become their spokespersons and to work for their promotion”. The exhortation is addressed "to young people and to the entire people of God". Young people will be all the more helpful if they feel fully a part of the “holy and patient, faithful People of God, borne up and enlivened by the Holy Spirit”, for “it will be precisely this holy People of God to liberate us from the plague of clericalism, which is the fertile ground for all these disgraces”.[60]. If you are to accompany others on this path, you must be the first to follow it, day in and day out. Ao renascer de novo, a sua existência é uma vida no Espírito . 36. [97] The best way to prepare a bright future is to experience the present as best we can, with commitment and generosity. Sing then, and keep walking”. Contemplate his blood poured out with such great love, and let yourself be cleansed by it. Vale a pena revisitar este Discurso como nota pastoral introdutória a este capítulo. 17. It would be a serious mistake to think that in youth ministry “the kerygma should give way to a supposedly more ‘solid’ formation. [120], 227. “Equally significant is the emphasis that young people place on sports; the Church should not underestimate the potential of sports for education and formation, but instead maintain a strong presence there. At the Synod, we heard that “the young are focused on the future and they face life with energy and dynamism. Certainly, as members of the Church, we should not stand apart from others. I wish simply to emphasize that youth ministry involves two main courses of action. Lumen gentium.. Y porque la Iglesia está implicada en el mundo en la doble dimensión transcendente e inmanente, todo cristiano debe ser un signo del reino de Dios, ya presente, en la historia humana. 78. Your participation helps to keep student costs down, and to allow for the best experience possible! This does not involve losing anything of your spontaneity, boldness, enthusiasm and tenderness. To be credible to young people, there are times when she needs to regain her humility and simply listen, recognizing that what others have to say can provide some light to help her better understand the Gospel. In these three truths – God loves you; Christ is your Saviour; he is alive – we see God the Father and Jesus. The Church is young when she shows herself capable of constantly returning to her source. Your work stops being just about making money, keeping busy or pleasing others. You can be sure that, if you do recognize and follow a call from God, there you will find complete fulfilment. At the same time, I do not want to end this chapter without addressing some words to each of you. Along with the stratagems of a false cult of youth and appearance, we are also witnessing attempts to promote a spirituality without God, an affectivity without community or concern for those who suffer, a fear of the poor, viewed as dangerous, and a variety of claims to offer a future paradise that nonetheless seems increasingly distant. 221. Christus Vivit; Accueil. If you have lost your inner vitality, your dreams, your enthusiasm, your optimism and your generosity, Jesus stands before you as once he stood before the dead son of the widow, and with all the power of his resurrection he urges you: “Young man, I say to you, arise!” (Lk 7:14). The Church has always sought to develop ways of providing the young with the best education possible. These aspects of Jesus’ life can prove inspiring for all those young people who are developing and preparing to take up their mission in life. 230. Yet youth cannot remain on hold. Jesus knows and appreciates this ultimate intention of the heart. Along with all the other exciting things about youth, there is also the beauty of seeking “righteousness, faith, love and peace” (2 Tim 2:22). Jesus, brimming with life, wants to help you make your youth worthwhile. Carlo was well aware that the whole apparatus of communications, advertising and social networking can be used to lull us, to make us addicted to consumerism and buying the latest thing on the market, obsessed with our free time, caught up in negativity. Live! Saint Joan of Arc was born in 1412. 5. On the other hand, there was the unsuccessful encounter of Jesus and the rich young man, which clearly shows that the young man failed to perceive the Lord’s loving gaze (cf. O título da exortação é Christus vivit , Cristo está vivo. We are sent today to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to a new age. But let us also ask him to free her from another temptation: that of thinking she is young because she accepts everything the world offers her, thinking that she is renewed because she sets her message aside and acts like everybody else. The Lord “gave up his spirit” (cf. With faith in the risen Lord, they can confront them with creativity and hope, ever ready to be of service, like the servants at the wedding feast, who unknowingly cooperated in Jesus’ first miracle. When it comes to worship and prayer, “in many settings, young Catholics are asking for prayer opportunities and sacramental celebrations capable of speaking to their daily lives through a fresh, authentic and joyful liturgy”. Dear young people, my joyful hope is to see you keep running the race before you, outstripping all those who are slow or fearful. I propose another way, one born of freedom, enthusiasm, creativity and new horizons, while at the same time cultivating the roots that nourish and sustain us. 149. These ways of seeking God are seen particularly in young people who are poor, but also those in other sectors of society. He calls you and he waits for you to return to him and start over again. 242. [16] Cf. [3] SAINT IRENAEUS, Adversus Hæreses, II, 22, 4: PG 7, 784. In this regard, I would note that “many Synod Fathers coming from non-Western contexts pointed out that in their countries globalization is bringing with it forms of cultural colonization that sever young people from their cultural and religious roots. The Church has an important role as a point of reference for the young members of these divided families. As they listen to him speak, their hearts burn within them and their minds are opened; they then recognize him in the breaking of the bread. And that is seen in a deeper inclination of the heart, beyond the surface level of their likes and feelings. In her presence, a young Church was born, as the apostles went forth to give birth to a new world (cf. What is important is that we make use of everything that has borne good fruit and effectively communicates the joy of the Gospel. Each age has its beauty, and the years of our youth need to be marked by shared ideals, hopes and dreams, great horizons that we can contemplate together. Social enmity, on the other hand, is destructive. That is why youth ministry and the pastoral care of families should be coordinated and integrated, with the aim of ensuring a continuous and suitable accompaniment of the vocational process. [22] Pier Giorgio said that he wanted to return the love of Jesus that he received in Holy Communion by visiting and helping the poor. 62. Mt 2:19-23). To create strong bonds requires confidence and trust nurtured daily by patience and forgiveness. Then I will become what I was meant to be, faithful to my own reality. 108. 194. [62] Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (19 March 2018), 140. “We can teach those young people, sometimes so focused on themselves, that there is more joy in giving than in receiving, and that love is not only shown in words, but also in actions”.[108]. I ask young people not to expect to live without working, depending on others for help. Nor is this the only sin of the members of the Church; her long history is not without its shadows. The Lord Jesus grants them other gifts, which the community is called to recognize and appreciate, so that they can discover his plan of love for each of them. Resumen de Christus Vivit, Cristo vive: corran más rápido que los lentos y temerosos. He is always there, ready to help each of us to recognize it. 212. 77. The Lord comes there to sow and to be sown”.[138]. Why not? 97. “The Synod reaffirms the firm commitment made to adopting rigorous preventative measures intended to avoid the recurrence [of these crimes], starting with the selection and formation of those to whom tasks of responsibility and education will be entrusted”. Some of our pastoral activities can assume that a journey of faith has already begun, but we need a “popular” youth ministry that can open doors and make room for everyone, with their doubts and frustrations, their problems and their efforts to find themselves, their past errors, their experiences of sin and all their difficulties. La Parole de Dieu délivre de toutes les oppressions! We do not simply identify sins, but also recognize God’s work in our daily lives, in the events of our personal history and the world around us, and in the witness of all those men and women who have gone before us or accompany us with their wisdom. What promise is present in my heart that I can take up? Without yielding to evasions or illusions, “she accompanied the suffering of her Son; she supported him by her gaze and protected him with her heart. Mt 2:14-15) and repatriated in Nazareth (cf. The poor have a hidden wisdom and, with a few simple words, they can help us discover unexpected values. The Synod also recognized the need to train consecrated persons and laypeople, male and female, to accompany young people. in lucem emiserunt La Porte Dutheil et Brequigny ; quarto volumini insunt [.] My response was that “I see someone who is searching for his or her own path, who wants to fly on their two feet, who faces the world and looks at the horizon with eyes full of the future, full of hope as well as illusions. 161. A young person who makes a pilgrimage to ask Our Lady for help, and invites a friend or companion along, by that single gesture is being a good missionary. For those who are not called to marriage or the consecrated life, it must always be remembered that the first and most important vocation is the vocation we have received in baptism. Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you” (Is 49:15). Then too “there are moral wounds, the burden of past errors, a sense of guilt for having made mistakes”. The Synod recognized that “albeit in a different way from earlier generations, social commitment is a specific feature of today’s young people. We need to reclaim our right not to be sidetracked by the many sirens that nowadays distract from this pursuit. UNA PASTORAL SINODAL UNA NUEVA PROPUESTA Se trata de poner en juego la astucia, el ingenio y el conocimiento que tienen los mismos . It is to create bonds by simple, everyday acts that all of us can perform. [71] It is a gift that we can squander meaninglessly, or receive with gratitude and live to the full. A young person should always have a critical spirit. It makes no difference whether you have already heard it or not. Today, thank God, many young people in parishes, schools, movements and university groups often go out to spend time with the elderly and the infirm, or to visit poor neighbourhoods, or to meet people’s needs through “nights of charity”. While still very young, she accepted the message of the angel, yet she was not afraid to ask questions (cf. Yet this silence does not make us close in on ourselves. I mentioned there that all of us, but “especially the young, are immersed in a culture of zapping. The experience of friendship teaches us to be open, understanding and caring towards others, to come out of our own comfortable isolation and to share our lives with others. He said he wanted something more, but when Jesus asked him to be generous and distribute his goods, he realized that he could not let go of everything he had. She will be able to attract young people, for her unity is not monolithic, but rather a network of varied gifts that the Spirit ceaselessly pours out upon her, renewing her and lifting her up from her poverty. Families are destroyed by enmity. He never leaves us, even though at times it appears that he keeps silent. 217. [105] It is a beautiful thing when “young men and maidens together, old men and children, praise the name of the Lord” (Ps 148:12-13). When they returned to the community, those disciples heard the good news that the Lord was indeed risen (cf. To respond to our vocation, we need to foster and develop all that we are. We can navigate simultaneously on two or more screens and interact at the same time with two or three virtual scenarios. We can, in fact, spend our youth being distracted, skimming the surface of life, half-asleep, incapable of cultivating meaningful relationships or experiencing the deeper things in life. En lugar de disponernos a escucharlos a fondo, «a veces predomina USTEDES SON EL AHORA DE DIOS la tendencia a dar respuestas preconfeccionadas y recetas preparadas, sin dejar que las preguntas de los jóvenes se planteen con su novedad y sin aceptar su . For God “richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Tim 6:17). For only what is loved can be saved. [52] Letter to the People of God (20 August 2018), 2: L’Osservatore Romano, 21-21 August 2018, 7. I have sometimes seen young and beautiful trees, their branches reaching to the sky, pushing ever higher, and they seemed a song of hope. In fact, “Jesus did not grow up in a narrow and stifling relationship with Mary and Joseph, but readily interacted with the wider family, the relatives of his parents and their friends”. Vive Cristo, esperanza nuestra, y Él es la más hermosa juventud de este mundo. Christus Vivit nos invita a crecer en santidad y en el compromiso para nuestra vocación (ChV 3). 248. Late have I loved you!”[2] Yet that rich man, who had been faithful to God in his youth, allowed the passing years to rob his dreams; he preferred to remain attached to his riches (cf. Mk 10:21). Jesus, himself eternally young, wants to give us hearts that are ever young. [101] Video Messsage for the World Meeting of Indigenous Youth in Panama (17-21 January 2019): L’Osservatore Romano, 19 January 2019, 8. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is . Wherever we are, we always have an opportunity to share the joy of the Gospel. Kateri consecrated herself to God and died saying: “Jesus, I love you!”, 56. In this way, we can experience a constant closeness to him, greater than anything we can experience with another person: “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20). She is the supreme model for a youthful Church that seeks to follow Christ with enthusiasm and docility. Cristo Vive, Capítulo 2 ¿Qué es la exhortación apostólica? [95] Young friends, don’t wait until tomorrow to contribute your energy, your audacity and your creativity to changing our world. In his fear, he said: “Ah, Lord God! Skip to content. Seventy times seven times, as many times as necessary. In the Gospel of Mark, we find a man who, listening to Jesus speak of the commandments, says, “All these I have observed from my youth” (10:20). [110] EDUARDO PIRONIO, Message to Young Argentinians at the National Youth Meeting in Cordoba, (12-15 September 1985), 2. They should respect the freedom that comes with a young person’s process of discernment and equip them with tools to do so well. That is what Mary did, in her own youth, as she confronted her own questions and difficulties. Similarly, especially in the case of young people who do not come from Christian families or institutions, and are slowly growing to maturity, we have to encourage all the good that we can. In the midst of this tragedy, which rightly pains us, “the Lord Jesus, who never abandons his Church, offers her the strength and the means to set out on a new path”. Jesucristo, siempre joven, es el título de este segundo capítulo, que da continuidad al precedente. [30] In the case of women, these situations are doubly painful and difficult. Jesus immediately appeared filled with the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit into the desert. Still less is that life a ‘tutorial’ for finding out the latest news. What course is your life taking? [129], 238. . Other young people take part in social programmes that build houses for the homeless, or reclaim contaminated areas or offer various kinds of assistance to the needy. [130] Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (24 November 2013), 124: AAS 105 (2013), 1072. [112] Das Wesen des Christentums. 159. 2 Kg 5:2-6). The importance of witness does not mean that we should be silent about the word. Together with the Synod Fathers, I wish to thank, with gratitude and affection, “those who had the courage to report the evil they experienced: they help the Church to acknowledge what happened and the need to respond decisively”. Mentors should not lead young people as passive followers, but walk alongside them, allowing them to be active participants in the journey. In this sense, helping the poor financially must always be a provisional solution in the face of pressing needs”. Première lecture « Il convenait que Dieu mène à sa perfection, par des souffrances, celui qui est à l'origine du salut » (He 2, 5-12) It is not only for those who seem closer to us, more receptive, more welcoming. Jesus’ baptism was not like our own, which introduces us to the life of grace, but a consecration prior to his embarking on the great mission of his life. In Gideon, we see the frankness of young people, who are not used to sugar-coating reality. Both must be the object of particular discernment. On the other hand, in the Gospel of Matthew we find a young man (cf. “Drawing together creates the conditions for the Church to become a place of dialogue and a witness to life-giving fraternity”. Do not be afraid to go and bring Christ into every area of life, to the fringes of society, even to those who seem farthest away and most indifferent. May your youthful spontaneity increasingly find expression in fraternal love and a constant readiness to forgive, to be generous, and to build community. Un comentario a cada capítulo de Fratelli Tutti by catequesis7diocesana [146] Meeting with Volunteers, XXVIII World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro (28 July 2013): Insegnamenti 1, 2 (2013), 125. Dear young people, please, do not be bystanders in life. He was a catechist and assisted the missionaries. The one who fills us with his grace, the one who liberates us, transforms us, heals and consoles us is someone fully alive. Saint Alberto Hurtado told young people to think very seriously about the direction their lives should take: “If the helmsman of a ship becomes careless, he is fired straightaway for not taking his sacred responsibility seriously. 142. 164. Youth is not something to be analyzed in the abstract. The mission that Peter received to shepherd Jesus’ flock will always be linked to this gratuitous love, this love of friendship. He showed profound compassion for the weakest, especially the poor, the sick, sinners and the excluded. 101. All the young, without exception, are in God’s heart and thus in the Church’s heart. The young want to be protagonists of change. [136] Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (19 March 2018), 2. 233. [18], 45. 80. Roots are not anchors chaining us to past times and preventing us from facing the present and creating something new. [84] Cf. The other is growth, the way we help those who have already had that experience to mature in it. Some of this is already happening in oratories and other youth centres, which in many cases offer a friendly and relaxed setting where friendships can grow, where young men and women can meet one another, where they can share music, games, sports, but also reflection and prayer. Knowing that we don’t do things just for the sake of doing them, but rather we endow them with meaning, as a response to a call that resounds in the depth of our being to offer something to others: that is what makes these occupations bring a sense of deep fulfilment. Surveys of young people repeatedly confirm that these are the two major issues worrying them and, at the same time, exciting them. 113. 4:21.33; 5:13). The true God, who loves you, wants you to be happy. El Sínodo reconoció que los fieles de la CAPÍTULO TERCERO Iglesia no siempre tienen la actitud de Jesús. And when you go to confess your sins, believe firmly in his mercy which frees you of your guilt. Jesús es « joven entre los jóvenes para ser ejemplo de los jóvenes y consagrarlos al Señor ». The Church’s educational institutions are undoubtedly a communal setting for accompaniment; they can offer guidance to many young people, especially when they “seek to welcome all young people, regardless of their religious choices, cultural origins and personal, family or social situations. Yet at the same time we must dare to be different, to point to ideals other than those of this world, testifying to the beauty of generosity, service, purity, perseverance, forgiveness, fidelity to our personal vocation, prayer, the pursuit of justice and the common good, love for the poor, and social friendship. 137. “Youth, as a phase in the development of the personality, is marked by dreams which gather momentum, by relationships which acquire more and more consistency and balance, by trials and experiments, and by choices which gradually build a life project. Without the wisdom of discernment, we can easily become prey to every passing trend”. 24. Lk 2:51); he did not disown his family. 241. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive! Orpheus, on the other hand, did something else to counter the siren song: he intoned an even more beautiful melody, which enchanted the sirens. There are many more differences, which it would be difficult to examine here. [148], 269. They may seem appealing and exciting, although in time they will only leave you feeling empty, weary and alone. 98. “Abuse exists in various forms: the abuse of power, the abuse of conscience, sexual and financial abuse. Their example shows what the young are capable of, when they open themselves up to encounter Christ”.[20]. Perhaps “those of us who have a reasonably comfortable life don’t know how to weep. That is why it is a good thing to let older people tell their long stories, which sometimes seem legendary or fanciful – they are the dreams of old people – yet are often full of rich experiences, of eloquent symbols, of hidden messages. He missed the opportunity of what surely would have been a great friendship. In the end, good discernment is a path of freedom that brings to full fruit what is unique in each person, something so personal that only God knows it. Some young people “find family traditions oppressive and they flee from them under the impulse of a globalized culture that at times leaves them without points of reference. Digital spaces blind us to the vulnerability of another human being and prevent us from our own self-reflection. He asks them questions and listens patiently to their version of events, and in this way he helps them recognize what they were experiencing. I ask you to build the future, to work for a better world. We should never repent of spending our youth being good, opening our heart to the Lord, and living differently. Give yourselves over to the best of life! There are things we need to “let go of” as the years pass, but growth in maturity can coexist with a fire constantly rekindled, with a heart ever young. Lk 24:13-35) as a model of what happens in youth ministry. la . Why not? [87] Spiritual Canticle, Red. He forgives us and sets us free without cost. He needs the young to be shallow, uprooted and distrustful, so that they can trust only in his promises and act according to his plans. No one regarded him as unusual or set apart from others. [119] Singing can be a great incentive to young people as they make their way through life. " Es propio del joven disponerse al cambio, ser capaz de volver a . That is why he is concerned about you and looks to you with affection. [72], 138. In the third century, Saint Sebastian was a young captain of the Praetorian Guard. There are many priests, men and women religious, lay and professional persons, and indeed qualified young people, who can help the young with their vocational discernment. [106] What can we tell them? 148. Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth” (Jer 1:6). Two curious details in the Gospel of Mark show how those risen with Christ are called to authentic youth. 48. 117. [95] CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERENCE OF KOREA, Pastoral Letter on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Martyrdom during the Byeong-in Persecution (30 March 2016). In our times, “advances in the sciences and in biomedical technologies have powerfully influenced perceptions about the body, leading to the idea that it is open to unlimited modification. 174. 228. Rejoice with him as with a friend who has triumphed. Capítulo quatro Uma grande mensagem para todos os jovens. Other migrants are “attracted by Western culture, sometimes with unrealistic expectations that expose them to grave disappointments. Se trata de una reflexión que busca estimular a todos y ofrece planteamientos generales para el discernimiento eclesial en esta materia. Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ (24 May 2015), 145: AAS 107 (2015), 906. Jesus is “young among the young in order to be an example for the young and to consecrate them to the Lord”. Don’t let that happen to you! He is in you, he is with you and he never abandons you. el capítulo con recursos propios de la juventud, utilizando ejemplos de jóvenes que intentan llevar a su vida algún aspecto de lo tratado en el capítulo. Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (24 November 2013), 44-45: AAS 105 (2013), 1038-1039. Wherever the Father and the Son are, there too is the Holy Spirit. The word of God encourages us to remain close to the elderly, so that we can benefit from their experience: “Stand in the assembly of the elders. Naturally, I cannot list them all here. Youth missions, which usually take place during school holidays after a period of preparation, can lead to a renewed experience of faith and even serious thoughts about a vocation. A relationship of affection that brings us together and a generous love that makes us seek the good of our friend. This violence destroys many young lives. SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum, 8. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything”. In the end, “hearing these words, the young man went away sad” (v. 22). Él es nuestra esperanza y la juventud más hermosa de este mundo. In every case, the long years they lived and all they have experienced in life should make us look to them with respect: “You shall rise up before the hoary head” (Lev 19:32). New forms of violence are spreading through social media, for example cyberbullying. The Gospel tells us nothing of Jesus’ childhood, but it does recount several events of his adolescence and youth. Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (19 March 2018), 169. Comentario. With him at our side, we can drink from the true wellspring that keeps alive all our dreams, our projects, our great ideals, while impelling us to proclaim what makes life truly worthwhile. Young people can find new fields for mission in the most varied settings. 279. I have been following news reports of the many young people throughout the world who have taken to the streets to express the desire for a more just and fraternal society. Many young people have come to appreciate silence and closeness to God. He takes nothing away from you, but instead helps you to find all that you need, and in the best possible way. That is how the Lord goes out to meet everyone. For example, there are times when God speaks of himself as an affectionate father who plays with his children: “I led them with cords of compassion, with bands of love. For this reason, “there is nothing so precious as a faithful friend” (Sir 6:15). Their efforts are like a great forest that quietly grows. In that same century, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, a young native of North America, was persecuted for her faith and, to escape, walked over three hundred kilometres in the wilderness. This, then, is your great challenge: to respond to the crippling refrains of cultural consumerism with thoughtful and firm decisions, with research, knowledge and sharing”.[117]. [135] They would curtail this role unduly were they to lay down rigid criteria for students to enter and remain in them, since they would deprive many young people of an accompaniment that could help enrich their lives. ¿Que es la exhortacion apostolica postsinodal christus vivit? Christus vivit- Capìtulo 1-por 14253Daniela BalcazarJuliana Cajigas María Paula AndradeLaura BastidasIAlejandra Bolaños6Valeria Anacona ven, sígueme. “We can remind today’s young people, who have their own blend of heroic ambitions and insecurities, that a life without love is an arid life”. Gen 37-47). Take risks, even if it means making mistakes. The Synod called for the development of a youth ministry capable of being inclusive, with room for all kinds of young people, to show that we are a Church with open doors. He is counting on your courage, your boldness and your enthusiasm. Yet it is precisely through our problems, frailties and flaws that he wants to write this love story. 292. Even though they may not always be able to have the same experiences as others, they possess amazing resources and abilities that are often far above average. When Jesus restored life to a man’s daughter, he first called her a “child” (Mk 5:39), but then addressed her as a “young girl” (Mk 5:41).
Resolución Ministerial N 360 2009 Pcm, Colegios En Jicamarca Anexo 22, Exámenes Preoperatorios Para Cesárea, Leyes Y Costumbres De Qatar, Babilonia Contabilidad, Texto En Quechua Y Español, Venta De Molinos De Segunda, Remates De Terrenos En Chosica, Tabla Impuesto Vehicular 2022, Línea 1 Metro Lima Perú, Modelo De Solicitud De Certificado De Posesión De Terreno,